Sunday 17 January 2016

Beno Elevator Enthusiast

Glad you enjoy this site this was made by my older brother Danny glad you enjoy! Taylor-ErraticVideoLover 05 NOTE:THIS WEBSITE HAS NOT BEEN FINSIHED YET, STILL NEED TO WORK ON DESIGN AND PUBLISHING THE WEBSITE. THIS WILL BE FINISHED ASAP.

Benobve or commonly known as Beno is an lift filmer enthusiast. He uploads videos "Random Lift Tours" and says his common phrase "IT'S LIFT TOUR TIME" or use to be in his oldest videos "Tour of the lifts." 

This is a example what his videos were originally made (old videos). His real name is Ben Smith joined YouTube uploading his first video on 23, February 2009. Since he was three he was interested in lifts , when he went to Pentagon Shopping Centre in Chatham, Kent. In the main glass lifs he enjoyed, which go up to 3rd and 4th floor. He wanted the lift to travel to 3rd but it wouldn't he cried for three hours. Here is history about it on Beno's channel here:
As well as his main videos are lifts than that, furthermore, he is also an bus and train enthusiasts. He also loves urban exploring, cycling,lampposts,substations and grotty places..

If you know much about him by watching his videos.... well then you guessed it ..... he hates generic lifts. Generic is not a company name the word generic is used to describe about different things not just only lifts the word refers to a class or a group. Or maybe such as an product. If you watch Beno, you may see that he claims that they are crappy,dull,boring and uninspiring. Just because he's been interested in lifts for a long time, he would know all about it.
Here is an RANDOM lift tour video with the annoying character evil owl replacing lifts into generics. In 2012, Ben started uploading Random lift tours intially, 1st one having fart nosies. Random lift tours include noises,farts,adverts and features if you watch them. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi, nice side, keep on going. It's a real shame, what happens to Beno, a couple of days ago. Hope he is all right by now.

  3. I won't stand for long, BENO!!!!
